Saturday, October 19, 2013

Recent flavor discoveries

  My readers know that I jump back and forth between local coffeehouses in the search for new flavors. Here are two more that I am introducing to you this week.
CUPS : Nutella flavor has been on the menu for awhile and everytime I come back. I can't fall out of love with it! Nutella is a hazelnut chocolate spread that is addictive and used as a substitute for peanut butter. Give it a shot!
Mill Mountain : Apple Pie  flavor is just as addictive as pumpkin anything. If you need a flavor switch from pumpkin EVERYTHING, this is your cup! The apple is not as overwhelming as one would expect and is blended with vanilla and cinnamon.
  While these are local businesses to me, don't be afraid to try your own local coffeehouse flavors. It's ok to ask for a thimble of it just so you can taste it. Why not be adventurous?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Confessions of a Caffeine Addict III

  Simple reason why I hit the coffeehouses often, besides the elixir of the gods, is that most of the ones I visit give off this air of productivity. Social productivity. I find that I am just productive enough to make the trip worthwhile because it gives me time away to think and you get to watch people. I love watching people. Most of you love watching people. Don't be shy. You can sit there and pretend to read the paper all you want just as I am pretending that I am working tirelessly on my blogs or homework. There is no shame in it. 
  And then there is the occasional random conversation. I love these most of all. Always small talk but for a moment, it is a connection to another human that has a similar passion for coffee, atmosphere, and the company of strangers. 
  Yes, I know, stop romanticizing coffeehouses. *sigh* You never know, the love of my life may be hiding behind a good pumpkin mocha. 
  By the way, there is a new artist up at CUPS Coffee and Tea on Grandin in Roanoke! It is a wonderful mixed media artist with the last name Fuller. Love how bright and cheerful it is!
