Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Starbucks has a new mild flavor!

  They did it again! Starbucks has introduced a light flavor blend that is perfect for early mornings! As much coffee as I drink, I prefer a very mild Breakfast Blend in the mornings. The more bitter brews I prefer in the afternoon or as a dessert coffee. 
  As usual, I was out of coffee at home. When I went to the store, there was this gorgeous new package! Starbucks Blonde. BLONDE?!?! Meaning light? I lovingly snuggled my pound of Blonde Willow Blend and immediately brewed a cup despite the fact that it was already 7 PM. 
  The blend is very delightful! I know a lot of people who complain how dark and bitter the normal Starbucks brews can be. If you fall into this category, give the new blends a go!

Blonde Roast


  1. Now you can order a hot Tall Blonde at Starbucks! ~grin~

  2. Haha! CUPS had a winter blend last year called "Snow Job" and a hot tea blend called "Deep Throat." It's quite a bit of fun to watch people shyly order these!
